My Parents Are Ageing What the Heck Do I do?
Understanding Australia's aged care system to support older loved ones at home
My Parents Are Ageing What the Heck Do I do?
Understanding Australia's aged care system to support older loved ones at home
"It makes sense of the various funding and services available so that you can be aware, be prepared, make informed decisions and support your loved one at home."
Deborah Ford
“If you are worried about your parents or grandparents but you're not sure how best to support them or even to help them, even is they don't necessarily think they need or want help, then this is the book for you."
David Dall'Alba
"It helps people through the complexity of aged care and services to give them a sense of empowerment and what to do next."
Elliwise, Perth
"So many things I didn't know about different programs, assessments and what to do next if your aged parent needs more help."
This essential guide to understanding Australia's aged care system to support older loved ones at home will show you...
how to have a compassionate discussion with your loved one about accepting support.
how to prepare for that important first contact with My Aged Care
how to choose a Home Care Package provider
All prices in AUD